· DOS Abstracts
The influende of graft fixation methods on revision
rates after primary ACL reconstruction.
Niclas Højgaard Eysturoy, Torsten Grønbech Nielsen, Martin Carøe Lind
Sportstrauma Division, Department of Orthopedics, Aarhus University Hospital,
The method of graft fixation in primary anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) reconstruction is important for the initial stability of the graft. Poor graft
fixation can result in failure of the reconstruction.
Purpose / Aim of Study:
This study investigates the early risk of revision de-
pending on graft fixation principle and the most frequently used combinations
of graft fixation implants.
Materials and Methods:
Revision rates and graft fixation method was extract-
ed from The Danish ACL Reconstruction Registry (DKRR). Analyses included
hamstring tendon- (HT) and patellar tendon grafts (BPTB). Revisions after 2
years and multiligament reconstructions were excluded. 14.935 patients were
included in the study. Failure outcome was 2-years revision rate. We extracted
data from both principle of graft fixation in the femur and all implant combina-
tions represented by more than 175 patients.
Findings / Results:
Analysis of fixation principles demonstrated that a non-
adjustable suspension technique had a higher higher risk of revision (RR=1,27,
P<0,05), while the transfixation technique had a lower risk (RR:0.78). Comparing
frequent fixation combinations, Endobutton/Biosure PEEK (RR: 1,36, P<0,05)
and Endobutton/Intrafix Bio (RR:1,55, P<0,05) had higher risk for revision (HT).
Atlantec metal screw/metal screw (RR: 0,83, P<0,05) and Softsilk/Softsilk
(RR:0,73, P<0,05) had a lower risk for revision (BPTB).
A non-adjustable suspension fixation technique has a higher
risk, while transfixation has a lower risk of revision within 2 years after a pri-
mary ACL reconstruction. For HT reconstructions, the fixation combinations of
Endobutton/BioSure PEEK and Endobutton/Intrafix had a higher risk, while for
BPTB reconstructions Atlantec metal screw/metal screw and Softsilk/Softsilk
screw had a lower risk of revision.
No conflicts of interest reported